
CTN depends on the donations of kind people like you to run its projects.

With your financial support, we will be able to clothe more needy people, fund the education of more children, and reach out to as many less privileged people as possible.


Please click on the DONATE button below to donate, or send your donation through MTN Momo Number +233557808749 / Paypal:


Any amount of donation helps – Together, we shall do better.

Do you have clothes that are no longer useful to you but are still in good shape. Please be reminded that somebody needs them; kindly donate them to us and we will send out to those who need them in orphanages, prisons, psychiatric hospitals and deprived rural communities of Ghana.


To donate clothes;

Kindly locate our Clothing Bin at the Accra Teacher Training College, near UPS at Madina, Accra Ghana.


For direction, please click on the google map link below.